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Current Undergraduate Students

Current Undergraduate Students

female students working on homework in Austin Hall

Academic Support

Academic support resources can be accessed at any point in a student’s academic career for course-specific assistance including individualized tutoring, University-sponsored group study sessions, as well as academic success information.

Academic Success Center: provides academic coaching, time-management tools, note-taking training, studying and test-taking strategies, self-empowerment videos and more.

COS Tutoring Centers: offers tutoring centers specific to most STEM-related topics and subjects including online and remote resources.

Undergrad Writing Center: available to students, online, who need assistance with anything related to writing whether it is for a class, research, or other opportunities.

Supplemental Instruction: offers free peer-led group study tables for challenging courses in business, biology, chemistry, math and physics.

  • SI tables help students better understand course concepts and material throughout the term from weeks 2-10. They are highly recommended for the courses offered

Financial Aid

Various resources from the College of Science and OSU relating to finances, including scholarship information, financial aid, partnership programs with community colleges that have lower tuition, or student employment opportunities.

COS Financial Aid: provides information on College of Science scholarships and the ScholarDollar application for students enrolled in the college, with information on how to apply for these scholarships

OSU Financial Aid: has information about how to apply and accept OSU’s financial aid packages, has links to additional financial resources, and offers a cost calculator to determine an estimate of tuition price

Equity Promise Emergency Grant: is a scholarship available to students who experienced hardships that may have affected their ability to pay and attend university.

  • Students who are eligible are invited to nominate themselves for the scholarship and will be contacted within two business days to talk to the College of Science Student Success Advisor more about their circumstances.

Oregon State University Scholarships Office: has information about OSU ScholarDollars, how to submit third-party scholarships, information about USP Scholarships, and other resources related to scholarships

Degree Partnership Program (DPP): is OSU’s degree partnership program with many community colleges in Oregon and Hawaii. Students can take classes at both OSU and a community college while still being enrolled as an OSU student.

  • Classes taken at a community college will be charged at the community college tuition level, offering a way to save on tuition prices if desired while still being an OSU student
    • Current Degree Partnership Program (DPP) students or those who are curious about the program can contact their academic advisor or email us with any questions

Student Employment: If interested in working at OSU or finding a job, internship or other paid opportunities in-person or virtually, these resources provide information on how to build up a resume, on-campus job opportunities, work-study requirements, and more regarding working at OSU.

  • Work Study: Work study for those who qualify, work study provides part-time jobs for students with financial need.
  • About Federal Work-Study: more information about the qualifications and need-to-know information about work-study
  • Career Development Center Homepage: provides a plethora of tools on how to build up professional assets such as resume and cover letters and career exploration, along with the ability to set up appointments with experts in professional development
  • OSU Job Board: comprehensive list and information of all paid positions being offered by OSU, including but not limited to paid research, tutoring, customer service or other types of jobs that are hiring at OSU throughout the year
  • Campus Jobs, Internship, and Research: provides extra information and tips on qualifying for opportunities such as campus jobs and internships
  • Handshake: is a portal to find employment and internship opportunities around the country in your fields of interest, along with setting up appointments with professional development staff and making reservations to career fairs and workshops.

Center of Advancing Financial Education: empowers OSU students to learn more about financial literacy and teaches students how to make the right decisions when faced with important financial commitments throughout life.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Students from historically and traditionally underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to visit these resources and programs for admissions and registrar assistance, tutoring, success courses and advising, summer bridge programs, as well as advocacy and support. Members of the OSU community are also encouraged to report and provide feedback for any kind of misconduct, violence, bias incidents, academic and University-related violations, and Equal Opportunity & Access cases.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP): serves historically underrepresented backgrounds including but students of color, low-income students, first-generation students entering college and undocumented or DACAmented students

  • Students have access to EOP specific advising, tutoring services and assistance with admissions and registrar processes, Summer Bridge Program including locating financial resources as well as a multitude of resources.

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP): is dedicated to increasing the number of traditionally underrepresented students who successfully complete STEM baccalaureate degrees.

  • Unique programs and resources are available to students in LSAMP including a Summer Scholars Bridge Program and other resources. First year and transfer students are encouraged to apply.

TRIO Student Support Services: provides first-generation students, those who are Pell Eligible, and/or have documented disabilities additional support to complete their baccalaureate degree(s).

  • TRIO offers a peer mentoring program, tutoring, student success courses, academic counseling and the TRIO-SSS Summer Bridge Program

SOL: LGBTQ+ Multicultural Support: is an inclusive, welcoming community offering events, educational programming and student advocacy including support for Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC)

  • SOL provides assistance to incoming queer and trans students of color as well as a safe and welcoming environment.

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP): is a federally funded program designed to support students from migrant and seasonal farmworker backgrounds during their first year in college

  • Staff work with colleges across the University to help students with additional resources and support including academic advising, extracurricular activities, financial support, as well as other personal and health services.

Inclusivity Reporting in the College and University Reporting Resources: students and other members of the OSU community are encouraged to report and provide feedback for any kind of misconduct, violence, bias incidents, academic and University-related violations, and Equal Opportunity & Access cases.

College of Science Feedback Process: provides all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests with a mechanism to provide both positive and negative feedback to the College of Science related to their experiences in the College to create meaningful change.

Bias incident: The Reported Bias Incident Response Protocol provides a process to comprehensively, collaboratively, and consistently address bias incidents that affect Oregon State University students, faculty, and staff.

Sexual Misconduct resources/report: As an employer and educational institution, OSU has a responsibility to take reasonable steps to eliminate sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking.

Survivor Advocacy & Resource Center – The OSU Survivor Advocacy and Resource Center is a safe and confidential space for all university community members, including students, faculty and staff affected by different forms of violence.

Office of Advocacy: Areas of assistance include Code of Conduct violations, Cheating accusations, Grade appeals, Graduate student issues, UHDS conduct & contract issues, Student accounts & financial aid, International student issues, Equal Opportunity & Access cases.

General Campus

Resources that provide students with general assistance during their time at OSU including technical support, housing and dining, and legal and safety services.

Information and Technology Services: assists students in having a successful experience with technology. The service desk and catalog can meet with students in-person and remotely with technology issues and advice including Slack and Zoom usage.

  • Students can access Office 365 and other extensions through OSU using their ONID information. The Valley Library also offers technology loans for students in need of laptops, tablets and other devices.

University Housing and Dining Services: offers a wide variety of housing and dining options for all students.

  • Many different spaces are available to students who want to live in areas based on academic and extracurricular interests, year at university, as well as transfer student status and those with families.

ASOSU: provides students with assistance in many aspects of life including SafeRide, Legal Services, Office of Advocacy as well as projects and initiatives led by students and student government.

  • Students can access these resources in times of need including legal advice and representation within the University as well as during disputes that do not pertain directly to OSU.

Nominate your professor

If you have exceptional faculty or advisors who have made a positive impact on you, then take the time to recognize them. Nominate a professor or advisor who has had a significant influence on your life as a student and helped shape your professional path.

Professional and Academic Development

Students can take advantage of career development resources as well as other professional and academic opportunities like research programs and initiatives, study abroad, and career-enhancing opportunities.

Career Development Center: offers on-campus job information, career counseling, career/interest assessments, and major exploration. Students can make an appointment with Rachel Palmer, the Assistant Director of Career Development for the College of Science. Rachel can help you with preparing a resume, writing a cover letter and more!

Academics: explore degree programs, minors, options, departments and professions including Pre-Health within the College of Science.

  • This includes students interested in any pre-health tracks, options, and majors, adding a minor from an interdisciplinary program including the environmental sciences, and any other College of Science needs.

Research Opportunities come in many forms, students are encouraged to explore all options including College of Science-led initiatives and those in other colleges.

  • SURE: Offered during summer term allows students to take advantage of research opportunities across all colleges as well as receive a stipend for their efforts.
  • Students are encouraged to apply if they are full-time undergraduate students and pursuing a bachelor's degree within the College of Science while in good academic standing.
  • URSA Engage: Through the Office of Undergraduate Education, the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Arts Engage program provides first and second year students, including transfer students in their first year at OSU, opportunities to pursue research or a creative activity under the guidance of an OSU faculty mentor. Application starts during Fall Term with important deadlines and steps to follow.
  • Resources for Undergraduate Research: offers high-quality, effective mentoring by providing professional development opportunities, resources, and awards to graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty who mentor undergraduates in research.
  • College of Science: the College of Science has a wide variety of research projects and opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved including hands on experience in the field, running experiments in the lab, and other endless opportunities for students
  • Oregon State University: There are many ways to get involved in research at OSU with each of the 11 college websites being a comprehensive source of information for any research topic that you are interested in
  • Research Centers and Institutes at Oregon State University: The university’s research centers and institutes bring together scientists from multiple fields of study for joint research projects clustered around the university’s three priority areas.

Study abroad: there are 200 international opportunities for education, internships and research in more than 70 different countries around the world offered while at OSU.

  • Office of Global Affairs: provides leadership for university-wide strategy and coordination of global activities. We serve as a liaison between OSU and relevant business, non-profit, government agency, and international education communities.
  • Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) Programs: Nearly 200 programs in more than 70 countries. OSU GO provides support and advising to help students through the process of applying to go abroad. Financial aid and scholarships are available, and student can receive credits to fit their academic plan
  • International Education, Experience, Employment (IE3): IE3 Global provides high-quality study abroad, internship, and exchange programs to the students of our partner campuses throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
  • Exchange Students: offers support and information to OSU students who are interested in becoming an exchange student at OSU partner institutions for a short term stay
  • Student Information: OSU students will be guided through more information throughout the study abroad process such as which program to choose, health and safety, academic plan, and financial aid for their trip
  • Partner Organizations: OSU GO offers an extensive program listfor students to explore and find the program they wish to attend. OSU GO and partner programs students will work with academic advisors, financial aid, and other resources to achieve their goals abroad

Student Health and Wellness

Variety of health and wellness services available throughout the year that provides students support regardless of their situation. Resources include SNAP, childcare, textbook lending, disability services, mental and physical health, advocacy services and more.

Student Health Services (SHS): provides essential healthcare, prevention programming and advocacy and wellness services for all students to create a safe and welcoming campus environment free from sexual and other violence, and drug and alcohol abuse.

  • The OSU health fee provides students access to convenient and high-quality care at SHS and CAPS and covers most, but not all, office visits including primary care practitioners, individual counseling and more.

Basic Needs Center: serves students facing hunger, housing problems and poverty.

  • The HSRC provides remote and in-person assistance including applying for SNAP benefits, technology access, emergency housing, health insurance assistance, textbook rentals, childcare information and food boxes.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): offers remote and in-person resources and services such as counseling and student outreach and education to address challenges and difficulties students face.

  • CAPS offers individual and group counseling, and provides outreach and engagement services including psychiatric through Student Health Services and equipment loans.

Anytime Anywhere MySSP: provides access to free and confidential mental health and wellness counseling at any time of day, from anywhere in the world, 365 days a year.

  • MySSP offers services via phone call or chat function. Help is available in five languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish and French. Additional language support is available by request. The app is ADA compliant and TTY accessible.

The Survivor Advocacy and Resource Center (SARC): provides confidential services to students impacted by interpersonal violence.

  • SARC supports survivors in obtaining assistance with academic, financial, wellness & resilience, medical, safety planning, emotional support and referral, reporting and housing needs.

Student Leadership and Involvement

Become involved on-campus in person and remotely through joining clubs and organizations, participating in diversity and cultural engagement, and being a part of the unique opportunities offered at OSU.

Welcome Week: offered at the beginning of every Fall Term, welcome week is a great addition to START experiences and provides new students with activities to help transition into college and OSU

  • The College of Science and OSU invite students to introduce themselves as well as learn about opportunities and resources available.

Campus Involvement: there are many ways to connect and get involved on campus. Whether it be joining or visiting a club, a Cultural Resource Center, the Orange Media Network or other organizations you can find something that you’ll enjoy doing when not in class.

Leadership Opportunities: offered in many forms that span across all colleges and programs within the University including opportunities within clubs, being a part of a living-learning community, as well as adding different academic opportunities to your degree.

  • Community Engagement and Volunteer Opportunities: connects OSU students with opportunities to deepen their engagement and interactions with the greater Corvallis area to enhance leadership skills by inspiring positive change within the community.

Student Success Services

Resources and guides to ensure student success. This includes credit-earning opportunities, OSU degree requirements, transfer student resources and other supporting services.

The Science Success Center is a welcoming space for science students to study, get questions answered by our staff and Peer Advisors, print documents for free, grab a free coffee, use a conference room to meet with study partners, or just relax after a busy schedule of classes.

Credit Opportunities: Earning Advanced Standing Credit: offers a comprehensive guide from the Office of Admissions to explore and discuss academic credits transfers to OSU

  • Includes but is not limited to standardized testing such as AP, GCE, CLEP or IB credits and credit earned in high school, the military or internationally.

Degree Requirements: students can cater their education and degree to their specific interests by adding elective credits, an option, minors, or another degree. Students are required to take Bacc Core credits within their degree and other electives to reach their requirements.

  • Students can find current degree requirements in the Academic Regulations section of the Academic catalog.
  • COS Minor information: includes list of undergraduate science minors students can add to diversify their portfolio and explore academic interests.
  • Glossary and Catalog Definitions: includes terms and vocabulary used throughout the Academic catalog
  • Bacc Core: list of courses within required curriculum that OSU believes will build a foundation for students’ further understanding of the modern world.
  • Undergraduate Change of Academic Program Process: changes to a student’s current major, adding an additional major, concentration or minor will go through advising staff.

OSU Course Catalog and Schedules
Access OSU's course catalogs, schedule of fees, course requirements and list of academic degrees, or search class schedules and find course descriptions.

Office of the Registrar: Registrations and Records
Find forms for transcript requests, grading changes, add/drop, confidentiality, enrollment verification, academic rules and regulations, courses and advising information and more.

Advising Appointment Preparation: includes information about the commitments and purpose of advising at OSU, and the list of Advisor-Advisee responsibilities

  • Including the vision, mission and commitments that academic advising entails to meet the needs of students.

Advising for COS Majors: includes academic advising with professional advisors, peer advisors and different resources for academic success.

  • Students have a major-specific advisor within the department advising team they can schedule appointments with. Peer advisors are available for drop-in/emails for registering for classes, finding opportunities but cannot provide registration PINs or any advice that would directly alter a student’s degree path.

FERPA: a federal law that protects students’ records from release including sensitive information like financial statements, grades, and schedules. Protected student information can only be shared with staff who have a need to know the information.

  • Students can read over what FERPA means for them and their family through the Students & FERPA page

Transfer Student Resources: provides both Degree Partnership Program (DPP) and transfer students with resources needed for transferring into OSU, including transfer guides, a step-by-step action plan, and more.

Student Dashboard (MyOregonState): a one-stop-shop with all the tools needed to navigate OSU, including an overview of due dates, academic resources, transcript requests, an overview of major requirements, financial overview (pay your bill) and more.

  • Academic and Financial resource include viewing Priority Registration Status, Register/Add/Drop classes for registration changes, the scheduling tool for looking up classes, MyDegrees to track academic progress towards major completion, textbooks, student account balance, where to pay bill, financial aid, career options and more.

Disability Access Services: provides accommodations, education, consultation and advocacy for qualified students with disabilities.

  • DAS works with students at OSU, OSU-Cascades, across Oregon and around the world through the OSU Ecampus program. DAS is still open for appointments and drop in zoom hours to process new applications and provide accommodations.

Military and Veteran Services: helps students who are in the military, have previously served, or those who are eligible, navigate transfer of benefits, tuition assistance, deployment, military credit evaluation, vocational rehabilitation and OSU Veterans community.

University Exploratory Studies Program (USEP): the academic home for any students who have not yet declared a major.

  • USEP can provide students the opportunity to explore or change majors, find career assistance and advising resources.