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Carley Beeman stands in an OSU leotard after finishing a bar routine.
Student Success

Balancing Acts: Carley Beeman, chemistry award-winner, dazzles in Pac-12 gymnastics

Carley Beeman’s resume is impressive. Studying Honors chemistry with a focus on advanced biochemistry and a minor in biology, she has been a consistent figure on the Oregon State University Honor Roll. In January, she was announced the chemistry undergraduate of the quarter.

Three people in lab coats write on a clear board inside of a laboratory.

Researchers make key advance toward removing pesticide from groundwater

Scientists led by an Oregon State University chemistry researcher are closing in on a new tool for tackling the global problem of weedkiller-tainted groundwater.

Kyriakos Stylianou of the OSU College of Science led an international team that identified a material known as a metal-organic framework, or MOF, that showed an ability to completely remove, and also break down, the oft-used herbicide glyphosate.

The element vanadium displays a deep purple hue.

Research led by chemistry professor makes key advance for carbon capture

A chemical element so visually striking it was named for a goddess shows a “Goldilocks” level of reactivity – neither too much nor too little – that makes it a strong candidate as a carbon scrubbing tool.

Wei Kong and graduate students work in the lab on a huge machine with wires.

Revolutionary imaging research reshaping drug development and disease understanding

One project keeps chemist Wei Kong awake at night, and it started as an idea nearly two decades ago. Now, after being awarded nearly $2 million for four years by the National Institutes of Health, the goal is to create a groundbreaking new tool with the potential to revolutionize drug development and enhance our understanding of disease mechanisms.

Alumni awards
Alumni and Friends

Alumni Awards celebrates exceptional achievements

The College of Science community recently gathered to celebrate this year’s Alumni Award recipients. These alumni distinguished themselves through their groundbreaking research, strong leadership and efforts to enhance equity, access and inclusion.

A worker at the head of a conveyor system scoops potatoes from a massive heap.

Researchers receive $2M to look for new ways to prevent organic potatoes from spoiling

Oregon State University researchers have been awarded $2 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop improved ways of preventing stored potatoes from sprouting, particularly in the organic sector.

Headshot of a woman in a brown sweater.
Alumni and Friends

Chemistry alum wins Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award

Rather than being swayed by conventional markers of success such as titles and salaries, Parisa Khosropour (B.S., ‘89) advocates for the relentless pursuit of personal excellence. Khosropour is the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award for her professional accomplishments and mentorship that has brought honor, distinction and visibility to the College of Science.

A brick building with the word "chemistry" stands behind a green tree.

Three Department of Chemistry faculty awarded endowed positions

Congratulations to three Department of Chemistry faculty members awarded endowed positions, recognizing their exceptional contributions to solving major challenges in material science currently facing humankind. May Nyman is the Terrence Bradshaw Chemistry Professor; David Ji is the Bert and Emelyn Christensen Professor; and Chong Fang is the Patricia Valian Reser Endowed Faculty Scholar.

University Day 2023

Science receives record-breaking 12 awards at University Day

College of Science faculty, staff, and graduate students have earned a record-breaking number of honors at University Day, a celebratory launch to the academic year featuring an annual awards ceremony. Science winners amassed an impressive 12 awards, beating the previous record of seven and garnering the most of any college across Oregon State.

Abdikani Omar Farah stands in front of a wall in a black and white image.
Graduate students

Treating everyone: Martin O’Neill fellow aims to improve drug accessibility

Shaping challenges into opportunities is what chemistry Ph.D. student Abdikani Omar Farah has done nearly all of his life. After growing up in East Africa and experiencing firsthand what it meant to lack access to medicine, Farah now wants to use his career to fill this drug scarcity and give back to his communities.

A woman with short dark hair poses for a headshot wearing a black shirt and red suit jacket.
Faculty and Staff

Oregon State names new College of Science dean

Eleanor Feingold, a statistical geneticist and associate dean with nearly 20 years of leadership experience at the University of Pittsburgh, has been named dean of Oregon State University’s College of Science. She will start Oct. 31.